
Showing posts from 2012

Journaling - fun thing to do

Assalam alaykum waramatullah wabarakatuhu. Alhamdulilah rabbil alamin. I hope this post meets you in the best of eeman and health. Hope the stresses and strains of this world have not overwhelmed you. Inshaallah by holding on to the rope of Allah (subhanahu watahala), following the Qu’ran and the sunnah of the Prophet (Sallalahu alayhi wasalam) this shouldn’t be the case. I recently purchased a little journal (A6 size) to start documenting everyday things that takes place in my life. Although I have been writing in it in the morning as that is the time that is most convenient for me it seems it has helps a bit with de-cluttering my mind as suggested. It mainly contains changes I notice in people around me and how I want to improve myself physically and spiritually. It also contains things I would like to remember to make dua about. It has been interesting to write in this way because I find that by the time I put down what has upset me I am much calmer about the whole situation. Als...

Know yourself better this ramadhan

Assalam alaykum waramatullah wabarakatuhu, Alhamdulilah we are blessed to have witnessed the start of the month of Ramadhan. While we have been given the opportunity to get closer to Allah (Subhanahu watahala), to increase in our good deeds others have not been so lucky. May Allah (Subhanahu watahala) enable us to use our time productively seeking only HIS pleasure. Ameen. Al-Bukhaari (1899) and Muslim (1079) narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “When Ramadaan comes, the gates of Paradise are opened, the gates of Hell are closed, and the devils are chained up.”  One of the blessing of the month of ramadhan is the chaining of the shaytan and shayateen, why then is it still difficult to carry out acts of ibadah. The scholars say that although the shayateen are chained they still have some influence although greatly reduced. Also perhaps the fact that we are fasting suppress...

Waste less, recycle more

Assalam alaykum waramatullah wabarakatuhu, I hope you are all in the best of health and eeman. We are currently about two weeks away from the month of ramadhan. May it reach us in good health. We should all try to understand the fiqh of the month before it reaches us inshaallah. May Allah enable us to reap the full rewards of this blessed month. I recently had a beautiful sister come to visit me. I last saw her about 2 years ago. Alhamdulilah she is doing well. While we were in the kitchen she gave me a coffee cup to dispose and I put it  aside as it was going to the recycle. She then asks if I recycle, after replying in the affirmative we went on to discuss how some other people find it difficult to recycle. This provided me with a topic to blog about, so here goes: Islam teaches us not to be wasteful or excessive with the wealth Allah (subhanallah watahala) has provided us with. O children of Adam, take your adornment at every masjid, and eat and drink, but be not excessi...

In need of sisterly company

Assalam alaykum waramatullah wabarakatuhu, I hope and pray this post meets you in the best of health and eeman. I cannot believe that it is over three months since I last blogged. It was not intentional I assure you, there has just been various activities going on. How have you fared? How is your eeman and what have you been doing to keep  it at the very high level which we all aim to be at. I have been meaning to blog but was also encouraged when a sister asked for the web address as she wanted to read the latest posts. Lately I find myself missing some sisterly company. During the four years when I was pursuing my undergraduate degree there was such a vibrant Muslim community with sisters who were beautiful inside and out. We met regularly; socially and religiously and I found out that both facilitated your remembrance in Allah (SWT) and you learn a lot more about the deen of al Islam. Since then I have not found a vibrant sisters community spirit...

The Silly Question

Assalam alaykum waramatullah wabarakatuhu, I pray this post meets you in the best of health and eeman. I was having a nap yesterday and woke up to a discussion on TV asking if there is any evidence for the existence of GOD. The question is provocative and plain silly. I find that those that don't believe in God always go out of their way to want to disprove HIS existence. If you don't believe that is your prerogative why are you so concerned to disprove my believe in HIM. Inshaallah, stick with your judgement and I with my belief and we would all find out soon enough anyway. They (atheists) also like to portray that they are intelligent and those who believe are lacking intellectually. They are rational and logical and those who have a belief in GOD are lacking in this. What they fail to realise is that there are lots of people who do not see any conflict between their religious belief and their love for science and consider themselves very rational human ...