In need of sisterly company

Assalam alaykum waramatullah wabarakatuhu,

I hope and pray this post meets you in the best of health and eeman. I cannot believe that it is over three months since I last blogged. It was not intentional I assure you, there has just been various activities going on.

How have you fared? How is your eeman and what have you been doing to keep  it at the very high level which we all aim to be at. I have been meaning to blog but was also encouraged when a sister asked for the web address as she wanted to read the latest posts.

Lately I find myself missing some sisterly company. During the four years when I was pursuing my undergraduate degree there was such a vibrant Muslim community with sisters who were beautiful inside and out. We met regularly; socially and religiously and I found out that both facilitated your remembrance in Allah (SWT) and you learn a lot more about the deen of al Islam.

Since then I have not found a vibrant sisters community spirit. The blame lies solely with me as I have kept to myself with the excuse that I have been too busy. This is a shame as the company of a Muslim sister is not to gossip, backbite or discuss the latest fashion trends (maybe a tiny bit) but it helps with making you feel a little happier and it drives the yearning to learn more about your deen.

As I move to another phase of my life and I move to another city I find myself in need of that wonderful sisterly company. I find that I need the energy and rejuvenation that such company brings. Therefore I was very happy when I secured two sisters numbers. Inshaallah I hope to call them and see what activities are going on amongst the sisters within the community.

I guess the most important dua in these situations is that Allah guides us to the right company, that which will benefit us and help with increasing our eeman.


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