Waste less, recycle more

Assalam alaykum waramatullah wabarakatuhu,

I hope you are all in the best of health and eeman. We are currently about two weeks away from the month of ramadhan. May it reach us in good health. We should all try to understand the fiqh of the month before it reaches us inshaallah. May Allah enable us to reap the full rewards of this blessed month.

I recently had a beautiful sister come to visit me. I last saw her about 2 years ago. Alhamdulilah she is doing well. While we were in the kitchen she gave me a coffee cup to dispose and I put it  aside as it was going to the recycle. She then asks if I recycle, after replying in the affirmative we went on to discuss how some other people find it difficult to recycle. This provided me with a topic to blog about, so here goes:

Islam teaches us not to be wasteful or excessive with the wealth Allah (subhanallah watahala) has provided us with.

O children of Adam, take your adornment at every masjid, and eat and drink, but be not excessive. Indeed, He likes not those who commit excess. (Q7vs31).

...Eat of [each of] its fruit when it yields and give its due [zakah] on the day of its harvest. And be not excessive. Indeed, He does not like those who commit excess.(Q6vs141).

We should try as muslims to fill our plates with just what we can finish as this helps to reduce food wastage. Most of us have fridges and freezers so even when we can't finish what is on our plates we can put the rest in the fridge to have later. The way we eat and drink in front of our younger ones and children will also teach them about the importance of not wasting food.

Besides recycling food (i.e. using up left overs) we should also try to recycle papers, plastics, tins and so on. These materials are re-processed and used to produce new packaging and products. These enables us to be less wasteful and be more caring towards the earth. After all Allah (subhanallah watahala) created the earth with all the beauties contained in it for us to enjoy, get our food and wealth from it.

We should concern ourself with where our waste goes, notice that it takes up a lot of landfill. This is an area of land that is no longer available for people to live or farm on. Think of the legacy left to future generations.

Being less wasteful will inshaallah bring about the blessings and mercies of Allah (subhanallah watahala) to us and what we have bee blessed with.

May Allah enable us to be better muslims, neighbours and inhabitors of the earth.


Anonymous said…
Assalamu alaykum,
coincidentally, I recently had a chat with someone about recycling and wastage too-not only should we be bothered how we dispose of our waste, we should be bothered about how it came about in the first instance and he took me on a very emotional and enlightening journey (which I cannot replicate) of how that "can of drink" came about...from the sweat and underpaid workers of the tin minners in China & some other parts of the world to our table and when we've finished our drink, we just throw it on the floor and step on it. This is food for thought for us all....

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