Keeping good company

Bismillahi rahmani raheem.

Alhamdulilah. I have had an interesting few weeks. I have been guided and the darkness that threaten to overwhelm me as been lifted by the mercy of Allah.

May Allah enable us to be of those who return to Him always and may He not cause us to die in a state which He is displeased with us. Ameen.

From the occurrences of the past few weeks and life in general is the importance of keeping good company, this cannot be underestimated. Subhanallah what joy is felt in the heart when you are surrounded by happy and positive people. Why are they happy? The connection they have with their Lord is strong and special and they know that although they don't have the power to bear their burden Allah (subhanallah watahala) will take care of it for them.

As you observe them you see them content with their faces bright and their demeanour relaxed. You look at them and you wish to feel the same and have the same connection with your Rabb. Although you might not have that connection now, do not worry, stick with these excellent companions. For as you remain in their company you hear words of comfort and you pick up the good habits  and acts of worship which has brought them to their current state.

Never despair and think you cannot attain it or better their level, for they were in a position similar to yours not so long ago. What did they do? They turned to their Rabb with true repentance, seeking His mercy and He responded to their duas by granting them that which they requested and much more.

Your Rabb  is waiting, eager for you to return to Him and He has showered you with His mercy by granting you good companions. Hold firm to these people for they give you words of advice from the Quran and sunnah during times of trials and ease. They love for you what they love for themselves. There is no ill feeling or jealousy and they wish that by loving you for the sake of Allah you are both met with the mercy of your Lord.

Stick to them even if you feel they nag and constantly reproach you for some of your actions, the advice you take from them which enables you to turn to your Rabb just before the Angel of death came upon you, might be what has ensured you are not of those who lost this life and the next.

Just imagine you successfully managed to push them away and there was no one to advice you and the Angel of death met you in a state in which Allah is displeased with you. O what a loss!

May Allah save us from losing both this dunya and the akhirah and may we be granted the companionship of those whom He loves and those who would constantly call us to the obedience of Allah (azza wa jal).



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