Journaling - fun thing to do

Assalam alaykum waramatullah wabarakatuhu. Alhamdulilah rabbil alamin. I hope this post meets you in the best of eeman and health. Hope the stresses and strains of this world have not overwhelmed you. Inshaallah by holding on to the rope of Allah (subhanahu watahala), following the Qu’ran and the sunnah of the Prophet (Sallalahu alayhi wasalam) this shouldn’t be the case.
I recently purchased a little journal (A6 size) to start documenting everyday things that takes place in my life. Although I have been writing in it in the morning as that is the time that is most convenient for me it seems it has helps a bit with de-cluttering my mind as suggested. It mainly contains changes I notice in people around me and how I want to improve myself physically and spiritually. It also contains things I would like to remember to make dua about. It has been interesting to write in this way because I find that by the time I put down what has upset me I am much calmer about the whole situation. Also it is useful for putting down new ideas and for setting goals which inshaallah in future you can be able to see if you achieved them. You never know it might make you the next bestselling authorJ.
Journaling by writing what has happened in your day, how you behaved or interacted with others, acts of ibadah that you carried out could be a way of drawing close to your Lord and increasing in your eeman. It will highlight any bad behaviours which you can endeavour to rectify and help you increase in the good deeds and acts you perform.
May Allah (subhanahu watahala) enable us to be amongst those who reflect and think of the meeting with HIM.
Go on, get a little book today and start journaling your everyday experiences, activities and ideas. Find out what works for you. Share your thoughts with us all if you want.

PS: If you want to write about personal matters, guard your journal well from prying eyes!!!


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