Hope and Change

Salam alaykum,

It has been a little while. I hope this post meets you in the best of health and eeman. I have been thinking of what to write in a while. I started a topic on humility but I haven't gotten round to completing it. If you have anything on that or any other thing please do post your ideas and comments. 

I settled on hope and change. You might be thinking that how is hope related to change but here goes my thinking. Change is unavoidable, we see it everyday, month or year as we look at ourselves in the mirror, hear of a birth, a death or marriage. Change is also visible with the change in the seasons. We are both excited and fearful of change. We hope the change brings something of joy with it. We worry that we might not be able to handle the change or the consequences of it. This is were hope comes into its own. We hope and pray that it is for the best and we are patient on that.

As we grow old and become responsible and accountable for our deeds, we try to do what is right and hope for the mercy and forgiveness of our Lord. 

Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful." (Q39 vs 53). 

Hope in the mercy of Allah (subhanallah wa tahala), hope for His guidance and hope for His provision is what sustains us through all the changes we go through in life. Therefore when you are going through a change which you think you can't handle hold on to the hope of Allah's mercy.  May Allah fill our hearts with tranquillity. Ameen.


Anonymous said…
Salam alaykum. I agree with you that hope is very much related to change.
But don't you consider hope as a very weak way of expecting a change? I think prayer and hardwork are the best ways of addressing the forever changing change.
Amina Sanni said…
Jazakallah khayran. In some cases hope can be a weak way of expecting change. That is, instead of working hard to change your circumstance you can sit around hoping it changes with no effort on your part. We all know we will grow old we are fearful of what it will mean and bring but through prayer and hope that it will be good in the main we grow old with grace. Say we were conscious of Allah but we then fell into sin, this is of course a change but when we feel hope that Allah would have mercy on us and forgive us we return to Him and inshaallah to His blessings. Hope in the mercy of Allah is what gets you to work hard to change your circumstance. If you don't have hope that your circumstance will change why put the effort in you would forever remain in despair.
Umm Haneefah said…
I don't think that hope is a weak way of expecting change. However, I would say hope without prayer and hardwork is sheer laziness. The hadith of the man that left is camel readily comes to mind and the prophet told him to tie his camel and put his trust in Allah.The hope before tying is that the camel does not get lost and the hope after tying is entrusting it to Allah after doing what is necessary.
Hope is very important-it is what gets you to pray and work hard in the first instance.It is generally tied to a reward or expectation of something good. On a mundane level, the hope to get a salary increase or job promotion will motivate you into putting in that extra effort.
As muslims, hope is an important aspect of our aqeedah,it goes with Love and fear of Allah.We must always have good hope in Allah.With regards to our daily life, we hope and pray that tomorrow would be better than today and we put in the efforts to make it happen....if it doens't happen, we say QadarAllah. With regards to akhirah,we hope to go to Jannah and we put in the efforts and we hope Allah accepts it. So,hope has to be there all the time.The prophet (SAW) said:Let none of you die unless he has good expectations(hope) from Allah.
Anonymous said…
Salam alaykum. Well said Umm Haneefah.
But I think the Hadith about the camel addressed destiny. The man left the camel because he felt d destiny of camel had already been pre-written. And so the prophet told him to tie it.

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