why start one?

Salam alaykum,

People have blogs for a variety of reasons but I think it could also be a source of learning. I greatly admire people who write because I find it difficult to sometimes put what is on my mind to paper. I am not a scholar (obviously) therefore the blog cannot be about teaching but as a student perhaps this blog could be about learning, enjoining each other to what is good and assisting each other to refrain from what Allah (subhanallah watahalah) prohibited.  

Perhaps in researching a topic to blog about I might be able to learn parts of the Qur'an and pick up a few hadiths on the way inshaallah. So please get involved and lets learn inshaallah. May Allah make it easy and may Allah give us the strength to practice what we learn. Ameen.


Anonymous said…
Nice one, may Allah(SWT) guide us all through Insha Allah.

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