What are you fearful of?

Salam alaykum,

We are all fearful and sometimes we don't know what we are scared of. Some of us are fearful of spiders, being unpopular, failure or poverty. Sometimes fear is not a bad thing, it could be used as a positive energy to achieve what was thought impossible. In the present economic climate most people are fearful of loosing their jobs and the consequence of that. If we think a bit deeper about fear we might realise that fear illustrates how powerless we are as human beings because if we know it all or are powerful surely we should be able to fix things to ensure that there are no surprises therefore nothing to fear.

Uncertainty and fear should inshaallah draw us closer to our lord due to our complete trust in Him, knowing that whatever surprises lurk around the corner inshaallah with the help of Allah (subhanallah watahala) we will pull through and overcome.

I pray Allah eases our worries and our fears and let us be of those who remember Him always. Ameen.

Jazakallah khayran.


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