Changing and making changes

Asslam alaykum waramatullah wabarakatuhu,

I hope and pray this post meets you in the best of health and eeman. Alhamdulilah. Glory be to the one who sees and hears everything. The Lord of all that we see around us, that we have knowledge of or are ignorant of.

The past few weeks have been very busy, exciting and stressful (to a lesser degree). Lots of travelling and visits from family members. Alhamdulillah. Lots of self-discovery and reconnection with loved ones and those whom Allah has bound to me through blood.

May Allah (subhanahu watahala) enable us to be able to please HIM in every action and draw closer to HIM through ways which HE loves. Ameen.

I am excited about a few courses I am due to start online. Read lots of testimonials from others on it and I feel I need every help I can get to boost my eeman and draw me closer to my Lord.

Alhamdulilah I have been able to let go of a major distraction in my life. I found it wasn't allowing me to be productive and also inhibiting me for enjoying my acts of ibadah. I have wanted to leave it for some time but kept going back to it. I kept making dua to Allah to enable me to draw closer to Him and worship HIM in the best possible manner.

Then one day Allah provided me with a means by which to remove this distraction and subhannallah I have removed it and not missed it bit. I have found that I have been feeling closer to my Lord since.
Keep making dua to Allah regarding all your affairs.

I also misplaced a phone charger yesterday; this is a major issue in the modern day with our all functioning phones. I remembered an article I read which states that the Prophet (sallalahu alayhi wasalam) turned to salah whenever he came across a difficulty/ wanted ease in an affair. The article encouraged that we went back to this sunnah. While I was turning the whole house upside down for the charger I kept making dua to Allah to enable me to find it. I then went to make my salah and kept thinking Allah will assist me (read another article which states that the believer should always think the best of their Lord), although I didn't find it i discovered that I had another charger that would charge my phone. Alhamdulilah I felt contentment even though my charger still hasn't turned up.

I thank Allah for enabling me to utilise the Quran and the hadith of the Rasul (sallalahu allayhi wasalam) in all aspects of my life.

I encourage us all to keep learning and striving to achieve this goal of having absolute trust and believe in Allah and utilising the Quran and the hadith. I pray Allah enables us to keep drawing close to HIM and to remember HIM all the time. Ameen.

May Allah remove all the distractions and barriers that would prevent this from happening from our paths.



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