Long lost sister blogger

Assalam alaykum waramatullah wabarakatuhu,

Today is the 18th of Ramadan 1435. Subhanallah it has been over a year since I last wrote a post.

I really cannot explain why I have been away from my blog for so long. Perhaps it is laziness, being more busy in my personal life (mis-management of my time) or the fact that I have been writing almost daily in a paper journal.

Life has carried on as normal, people have died and others born. I moved to a different city, started a new job and got carried away with what has been going on in my little world.

Alhamdulilah this ramadan has been progressing well and the main goal I had before ramadan is on track. I was excited for ramadan to start. Immersed myself in preparing before hand, reading articles and personal experiences from various sources online on how to ensure you have a productive ramadan and alhamdulilah it has been so (search for productive muslim website).

I do not pretend that there haven't been hiccups along the way. Getting angry with family members and not showing enough restraint and patience. Inshaallah I have these remaining days to work on this. May Allah make it easy for me and for all of us in all our struggles.

During these past 16 months there have been trials and tribulations as it is with everyone. What we need to realise is that we would not get everything we want in this life. If we constantly remind ourselves that this life is temporary and it is only a means for us to do as many good deeds that pleases Allah (subhannallah watahala) so that we can have everything we want and  more in the hearafter, it makes the tests and trials easier to bear inshaallah.

You wear a lot of hats particularly as a woman; wife, mum, daughter, sister, friend, employee to name but a few and yet all these hats make us forget the most important hat to wear is that of a slave to our Rabb, Allah (subhanallah watahala). When we forget this we then just do the bare minimum. So we pray our 5 daily salah not paying attention to praying it on time or with maximum concentration. We neglect the recitation and understanding of the Quran and sunnah, fasting other than ramadan, waking in the night for tahajjud and so on.

So we go about our daily chores with our modest clothing fulfilling the salah as an exercise for our limbs but our hearts are elsewhere; what to cook, what to buy, when to pick kids up and etc.

Yet all these will come to an end and then we have to stand before our Lord and give account of how we spent our time especially those hours spent endlessly browsing shopping websites and TV channels.

O Allah please keep our hearts steadfast on your deen and enable us to draw closer to you and do not let us leave this world in a manner that you are displeased with us.

O Allah forgive us in this month of forgiveness and raise us with those whom you love and who look forward to their meeting with You.

O Allah grant us the best in this world and the next. Ameen.

I hope that inshaallah it would not take me another sixteen months to write another post.


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