Returning after a mini break

Assalam alaykum waramatullah wabarakatuhu,
It has been ages since I last blogged. A lot has happened, really too much to put into writing. Not that I am much of a writer. I have to think of what I want to write for ages before it actually gets on the screen.
As I mentioned in an earlier blog I have started writing in a little journal (which I carry around in my handbag). I can report that I am still writing in my journal but not with the regularity with which I first did. I like writing and documenting things I would like to do or achieve now or in the future. I have not gone back to read what I have written but I am sure I will cringe when I read it.
Aside from the journal I have not been up to much, I have been trying to read more and listen/attend more Islamic lectures. I have also tried to do this physically and not just procrastinate. I will confess that I find it difficult as there seems to be so little time in the day but we cannot use that as an excuse.
It is important for us to seek the appropriate knowledge which will be useful for us when we leave this temporary abode. Everyone finds it difficult to juggle family life and the stresses and strain of work but inshaallah it is important to find the time. We do find time for things which are of less importance.
May Allah make it easy for us all inshaallah.


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