Assalam alaykum waramatullah wabarakatuhu,

Subhanallah we are already in mid November, the year has flown by so so quickly. A lot has happened both in our little world and the world at large. I am sure we have all experienced times of joy, excitement and dissapointment. Hope we have all been able to dig deep into our pool of eeman at all times of changing situations and emotions.

During the times of joy and success we remembered to thank Allah for His kindness and mercy on us. We remembered that we would have to account to Him alone on how we used all the things we have been blessed with.

When dissapointments strike we are assured that Allah would see us through, we turn our faces towards Him and seek His help through dua and patience. We keep our tongues moist with His remembrance and we look at those who are in a worse position so that we remain grateful and not sinful.

What does the year ahead hold? No one knows except Allah (subhannallah watahala). We plan, we pray and we hope for His mercy. Remember those whom we have lost this year, therefore do your duties to Allah today and leave tomorrow for tomorrow. Do not postpone as you don't know if you would be here on the morrow.

Love, be kind and enjoy the time you have with your loved ones. Surely as the sun sets and rises every hour leads closer to the meeting with our Lord. So keep your duty to Him, obey your paents and try to be just in all matters.

May Allah forgive us for our short comings and grant us the best in this life and the next.



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