Love and Sisterhood

Assalam alaykum waramatullah wabarakatuhu,

I hope this email meets you in the best of health and eeman. I have been clearing up the contact list on my phone. Over the years you accumulate numbers aplenty. Some numbers you don't remember who owns them or what circumstance you came to meet them. Others you discover you haven't spoken to in two, three or more years. Your mind get drawn to the memories and shared adventures. You wonder what they are up to. So I began by emailing one such sister who I haven't been in touch with since 2006 at most. Subhanallah I received a reply immediately, she remembered me and my heart filled with joy that she was ok. She informed me of her lucky escape when the building she worked in was destroyed. Subhanallah.

When I started uni as an undergrad (2002) I met a family at jumuah prayers on my very first day. They welcomed me and promised my mum to look after me. I was usually invited to their house for dinner and struck up a strong friendship with one of their daughters. They moved to a different city and during the holidays I would still go and visit, have a sleep over and all that. The mum always referred to me as her daughter and she treated me as such. For the past three years we lost touch. So today I called but none of the numbers I had worked and was told they moved out of their house 2 years ago when I called their landline. I panicked wondering what had happened to them. Luckily I had the email address of my friend, their daughter. She responded immediately informing me that she had gone to settle in a different country but her mum was still here. She had finished uni and done her masters. Mashaallah. Armed with a new number I called her mum and the first thing she said to me after exchanging salam was "is that my Amina". My heart was filled with love and joy. Alhamdulilah the whole family is well.

What bound us together then and still does now is that we are muslims, we share a love of Allah (subhanallah watahala). We are not from the same country or anything but we found ourselves as muslim sisters and that love is what made me look for her after all this years and it is what made her always think of me despite not hearing from me for all these years.

May Allah unite us under His shade on a day when there would be no shade except His.

Love only for the sake of Allah (subhanallah watahala), it is the only thing that sustains relationships.


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