In need of eeman topup?

Assalam alaykum waramatullah wabarakatuhu,

I pray that you are all in the best of health and eeman. Sorry it has been a while. Alhamdulilah. I attended a programme recently entitled "Are you well fed?" It was about being a well rounded muslimah who strives to achieve a balance in all aspects of her life, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

While at this programme I discovered that i really was in need of eeman topup (stole that expression from my sister). Following on from this programme I spoke to another sister friend of mine (the first time we met was at an islamic course) and we both chastised ourselves for neglecting our islamic education, sisterhood and eeman topup.

Although we all strive to keep up with our 5 daily salah we need reminders which refreshes our knowledge of our Lord, Allah (subhanallah watahalah) and the deen of islam, thereby focusing our minds on the aakirah and make sure we do not get swept away in the sea of the dunya.

So if we feel we are a bit of a downer in terms of our spritual, mental and emaotional well being, perhaps we are in need of eeman topup.


Fati said…
Jazakillah khair for the beautiful reminder. I realised that sometimes we get a dip in our eeman and other times we get eeman high. The important thing is to maintain this top ups.

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