What use a library of books?

Assalam alaykum waramatullah wabarakatuhu,

I hope you are all in the best of eeman and health. Alhamdulilah for all of the gifts which Allah (subhanallah watahala) has bestowed upon us. This morning I was just thinking of some of the books that I haven't read in a while or haven't touched at all since I purchased them.

When we are trying to get to know a subject or to know it better we start borrowing or buying the necessary books. After sometime the books become redundant. We don't go back to it to refresh our memories or knowledge. With regards to religious books some of the main reasons we buy them is to improve in our deen or to make sure our children can have a reference point for their deen and answers to the questions which they may ask.

If we as parents, aunts and uncles don't read or refresh our memory (or knowledge) from these books how are we to encourage the little ones to pick up the books which would provide them with knowledge of their creator, prophet and deen. After all it is only with knowledge that they can serve their creator better.

The question we should ask ourselves is: Should I have an islamic library for the sake of it or ensure I read the books I already have?

May Allah make our affairs easy for us and maybe we could start with the Quran. This post is more of a reminder for myself than for you my brothers and sisters.


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