
Showing posts from January, 2011

Patience – Sabr

As salam alaykum waramatullah wabarakatuhu, I hope you are all doing well. Alhamdulilah we just completed the tafsir of suratul Baqarah and I was going through my notes and came across a little section of patience. Insha’Allah I want to share what I learnt with you. O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient. (Q2vs153) Patience can be divided into two main parts: 1.       Patience of evil A person does evil knowing that it will bring the punishment of Allah (subhanallah watahala) but he still carries on with it. T hose are the ones who have exchanged guidance for error and forgiveness for punishment. How patient they are in pursuit of the Fire! (Q2vs175) 2.       Patience on what is beneficial This can be subcategorised into the following: i)         Patience on al Ma’ruf i.e. being patient on what Allah (subhanallah watahala) has commanded u...

Opportunity to repent

Salam alaykum waramatullah wabarakatuhu, I pray this post meets you in the best of health and eeman. Alhamdulilah there were very good contributions made to the last post. I pray Allah continues to increase us in eeman and knowledge. Ameen. One of the pillars of eeman is to believe in Allah, which requires belief in the Names and attributes of Allah (subhanallah watahala). This requires having a good understanding of the names not just the direct translations. Al Haleem is a Name of Allah (subhanallah watahala) which is usually translated as "the forbearing". It is from the word "Hulum" which means tolerance and al Haleem means "the one who delays the punishment". Perhaps it can be understood with this statement: Allah (subhanallah watahala) gave life to man, nourishes him, gave him all he needs to grow and develop. Man disobeys. Allah (subhanallah watahala) sent messengers and books to guide him and he still denies the existence of God. I...

Hope and Change

Salam alaykum, It has been a little while. I hope this post meets you in the best of health and eeman. I have been thinking of what to write in a while. I started a topic on humility but I haven't gotten round to completing it. If you have anything on that or any other thing please do post your ideas and comments.  I settled on hope and change. You might be thinking that how is hope related to change but here goes my thinking. Change is unavoidable, we see it everyday, month or year as we look at ourselves in the mirror, hear of a birth, a death or marriage. Change is also visible with the change in the seasons. We are both excited and fearful of change. We hope the change brings something of joy with it. We worry that we might not be able to handle the change or the consequences of it. This is were hope comes into its own. We hope and pray that it is for the best and we are patient on that. As we grow old and become responsible and accountable for our deeds, we try to do ...

What are you fearful of?

Salam alaykum, We are all fearful and sometimes we don't know what we are scared of. Some of us are fearful of spiders, being unpopular, failure or poverty. Sometimes fear is not a bad thing, it could be used as a positive energy to achieve what was thought impossible. In the present economic climate most people are fearful of loosing their jobs and the consequence of that. If we think a bit deeper about fear we might realise that fear illustrates how powerless we are as human beings because if we know it all or are powerful surely we should be able to fix things to ensure that there are no surprises therefore nothing to fear. Uncertainty and fear should inshaallah draw us closer to our lord due to our complete trust in Him, knowing that whatever surprises lurk around the corner inshaallah with the help of Allah (subhanallah watahala) we will pull through and overcome. I pray Allah eases our worries and our fears and let us be of those who remember Him always. Ameen. Jazaka...

why start one?

Salam alaykum, People have blogs for a variety of reasons but I think it could also be a source of learning. I greatly admire people who write because I find it difficult to sometimes put what is on my mind to paper. I am not a scholar (obviously) therefore the blog cannot be about teaching but as a student perhaps this blog could be about learning, enjoining each other to what is good and assisting each other to refrain from what Allah (subhanallah watahalah) prohibited.   Perhaps in researching a topic to blog about I might be able to learn parts of the Qur'an and pick up a few hadiths on the way inshaallah. So please get involved and lets learn inshaallah. May Allah make it easy and may Allah give us the strength to practice what we learn. Ameen.