There Should be an Introduction

Salam alaykum waramatullah wabarakatuhu,

All praise is to Allah Lord of the worlds, the creator of the heavens and earth and all that is in them and in between them. I ask for the blessings and mercy of Allah on prophet Muhammad (SAW), I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed shaitan, the shayateens and the evil from myself and the evil of my desires. All the good that would result from this blogging is from Allah and all that is evil in it is from myself. I ask Allah's forgiveness and I pray Allah purifies my intention for doing this.

Inshaallah I intend to use this means (blog) as a reminder first for myself and all of us. Any comments would be welcome and deeply appreciated. It is important that one shouls enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil but also important is that the one who enjoins good should practice that which he enjoined and keep away from that which he has asked others to keep away from. So I ask all of you to remember me in your duas that Allah makes it easy for me to enjoin what has been enjoined and keep away from that which Allah and his Rasul have forbidden.

May Allah enable us live our lives with eeman in our hearts and limbs and enable us to give complete submission to Allah. May Allah enable us to be of those who say we hear and obey (the words of Allah and the sunnah of the Rasul (SAW)).

I have made my introduction longer than I intented. Hope you aren't bored already. Till next time salam alaykum.


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