Learning Patience - dealing with children

Assalam alaykum waramatullah wabarakatuhu,

Alhamdulilah. This week has been one of gratitude and learning patience.

As parents there is no manual on how to handle different situations you find yourself in with regards your child. Some techniques work for one child but has no impact on another. This week we had to speak to our eldest about his behaviour. Unfortunately he repeated the same behaviour the very next day. We changed tack; less shouting more trying to understand what prompted the behaviour. We tried to listen and alhamdulilah the rest of the week went smoothly.

I haven't kept up with my reading commitments this week although I listened to about 40 minutes of audiobook. It is difficult to stick to listening a book at a time. If I am listening to a book that is trying to convey ideas it is difficult to always be in the right frame of mind for it every time particularly with children all around.

I am also a fan of the Inquiry podcast on the BBC. Please recommend any podcasts you find interesting.


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