Back from a long hiatus

Bismillah Rahmani Raheem

Alhamdulilah I am back after a very long hiatus. The past couple of years has been extremely busy. We are now a family of five (alhamdulilah). I just returned from my brother's wedding in Nigeria. It was a beautiful ceremony and it was great to connect with long lost family, siblings and parents. So much love and barakah. 

Still on maternity break and really enjoying it. Allah truly makes things easy. When I was about to have my third child I was worried how I (and we) will cope. My second child was going to turn 2 a few months after the third child arrived. We live in an area with no close family nearby and neither my mum or mother-in-law would be able to come to assist us. I spoke to my big sister who I always speak to in times of need. I call her when I need a voice of reason; a voice to direct me back to my lord. She is someone I trust to help me get out of my head and be grateful. We all need someone like that in our lives. 

Her words really helped and she came to stay along with her whole family for about a week when my third child arrived. Allah also made the delivery very easy. Subhanallah with every difficulty is ease.

Things, I feel are just starting to settle on the home front. The past year as also been very difficult in other aspects but there have been moments of laughter, joy, kindness and happiness. Never despair. Make dua and know that it has been answered. 

I hope to keep sharing things I love on this blog. fFom podcasts I listen to, to audiobooks, books I am reading and tv programmes I watch or radio programmes I listen. I also love reading and trying out recipes; in hope that I find new and exciting ways to introduce vegetables to my children and husband. 

I also enjoy learning from a personal development standpoint and also a religious one. I enjoy teaching my children and I love watching them learn new things and develop daily. I hope to share things I come across and that I can learn from you all as you contribute. 

Life is a journey of constantly learning.

Comment below and let me know what you have all been up to as well. 

Take care,


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