Contemplation and Reflection
Assalam alaykum waramatullah wabarakatuhu, Subhanallah it has been four months since I last blogged. I have had quite a busy and interesting time of late. I have been busy with a course which has caused much contemplation and reflection of my life, where it is at the moment and where I would like it to head. Contemplation and reflection is something I hope to incoporate into my life at least on a weekly basis. Recently I listened to a short reminder which mentioned that we are not grateful for the creations of Allah that surrounds us. We have gardens in which beautiful flowers grow, we take a deep breadth and the fragrance fills our lungs but we take it for granted that the flowers grew there. If we took time out to contemplate on our Lord, His creations and our lives then we will be people who are grateful. If we don't reflect and contemplate then we live our lives as if there is no purpose to it, we drift and allow circumstances and events to carry us as if we don't h...