The promise of my Lord is true.

Assalamu alaykum waramatullah wabarakatuhu,

I seek the help of Allah and ask for His forgiveness for any sins I have committed, will comit in the course of writing this blog and afterwards inshaallah.

I hope you are all doing well. Just been reflecting a little bit and what I discovered even though I was certain of it, is that the promise of Allah (SWT) is true. If we all reflect enough we would find evidence for this promise in our lives.

How often have we done something for the pleasure of Allah (SWT) e.g. given to charity and something happens afterwards (perhaps not on the same day or week) wereby Allah has given us more than we initially gave to charity.

Even if we think there is no physical evidence that Allah has given us something greater for it in this world we have a feeling of joy and contentment which we want to continue. Also be rest assured that inshallah it has been written for us and it might be what tips the balance in our favour on a day when we all need the mercy of our Lord.

As a muslim we go through times of trials and tribulations, we must be patient during these times no matter how difficult. When ease follows know that Allah is the one who is to be praised and thanked for it. The promise of our Lord is true if we are of those who are patient.

And they will say, "Praise to Allah , who has fulfilled for us His promise and made us inherit the earth [so] we may settle in Paradise wherever we will. And excellent is the reward of [righteous] workers." (Q39 vs 74)

Do not despair of your current state even though you try to keep your 5 daily salah accurate and on time,  you pay you zakat and give to charity. Do not despair that your colleague at work or friends who doesn't strive as hard as you seem to have it all. This is shaitan trying to trap you and lead you astray.

O mankind, indeed the promise of Allah is truth, so let not the worldly life delude you and be not deceived about Allah by the Deceiver. (Q35 vs 5)

It is important to always remember that this world is not the goal. The hearafter where we would be for all eternity is the goal. So everything we request for in this world should be geared towards that.

Except those who repent, believe and do righteousness; for those will enter Paradise and will not be wronged at all. [Therein are] gardens of perpetual residence which the Most Merciful has promised His servants in the unseen. Indeed, His promise has ever been coming. (Q19 vs 60-61).

Therefore if we don't get that car we asked Allah for, we know that Allah will replace it with something better inshaallah. The promise of Allah is true and you must belief in this as a muslim.

[It is] the promise of Allah . Allah does not fail in His promise, but most of the people do not know. They know what is apparent of the worldly life, but they, of the Hereafter, are unaware. (Q30 vs 6-7)

May Allah give us strength and sabr at the most desperate and difficult of times and may He enable us to be grateful to Him when our duas have been answered. Ameen.


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