Increasing and decreasing eeman

Assalamu alaykum waramatullah wabarakatuhu,

I hope you have all been in the best of eeman and health. I cannot belief the last time I blogged was before ramadhan. How time flies? I hope you all had a successful ramadhan, filled with the reading of the Qur'an, reduction in gossip and back biting and performing lots of tahajjud.

May Allah accept from us all our acts of ibadah. Ameen.

So have we all come down from our ramadhan high? When we worked hard to try to be so close to our Lord our eeman was high or have we tried inshaallah to keep our eeman at that level. The eeman naturally increases and decreases but what we have to ensure is that it does not dip below a level which would take us away from the fold of Islam.

So we keep our five daily salah, and keep our tongues moist with the remembrance of Allah (subhanallah watahala). We try to remember the favours Allah (subhanallah watahala) bestowed upon us and this should inshaallah help to increase our eeman. Also try to please our Lord by reading the Qur'an, waking up for tahajjud and so on. Always remembering our Lord.

May Allah enable us to be of those who are grateful and strive to obey Him. Ameen.


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