What can women do?

Salam alaykum,

A friend asked me this question what can women do and asked me to interpret it the way I want so here goes. May Allah accept our fasts and forgive us all our shortcomings. Ameen.

"I have heard this phrase ... Women can do and be whatever they want to be.
To my knowledge this statement is not true. The ability of women to do or be whatever they want is tempered by family, culture and society.
The society expects the woman to be across the board, be a good wife, mother, daughter, friend and employee. When she can’t achieve this she is a letdown not only to herself but the society as a whole. If this is what is meant by women can do and want anything then I am so sure I want to be doing it all.
Imagine having a 9 – 5 job you pick up the child/children from childcare on your way home, get the house and food ready before your husband gets home and still make sure you are on top of the job so the next promotion does not pass you by.
Is it possible for a woman to be mother and wife of the year while at the same time is the boss within the organisation without getting stressed and depressed? Can we truly want and have it all?
Women expect their husbands to do more but the more they do seem to increase the amount the woman as to do.
Women want to study, travel and be whatever they want. Setup a business, have fun with family and not break the bank or back in the process.
Women want to be appreciated, fulfilled and happy. But surely (even I am guilty) depend too much on others for this contentment when it can only be achieved by completely submitting our self to our creator remembering help and sustenance is only with Allah and by keeping to His deen.

We want to be loved, cared for and respected by all; men try their best but are not always up to the task. So when the basis of our self worth and happiness is depended on them we are left dissatisfied.
Women want everything and nothing, I am not sure we really know what we want but I know we can be and do whatever we want once we realise help and guidance is only from the most high. May Allah forgive us all and help us understand not just what we want but what is good for us to want."


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