Death as a reminder

Assalam alaykum waramatullah wabarakatuhu,
Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, all praise be to Allah, the Creator of the seen and the ‘ghaib’ (unseen). I thank Allah for His mercies and blessings. I send salaam and salat on our beloved prophet (SAW). I pray this reminder meets you in the best of eeman and health.
Every so often we need a shakeup in our lives - away from the mundane activities we carry out. We seem to get bored with our daily routine; we itch to do something slightly different. This state of boredom sometimes creeps into the way we carry out our acts of ibadah without any feeling or contemplation. We say our salah in a ‘robot’ like fashion, losing out on getting the maximum reward for it. We might not even remember the surah we recited in the previous rakah.
The days merge into one another, we cannot remember if we did a certain activity last week or last month. We forget that with each passing weeks and months the time for us to meet our Lord draws closer. We hear of someone’s death and we say ‘oh! He/she died at such a young age’ even though we know that death is the only certainty in this world.
When we are in this state of mind we need something to wake us up from our dreamlike state, something to stop us from constantly chasing this worldly life, we need something that breaks through our barriers so that we weep in fear of our Lord, in the knowledge that once we leave this world we can’t come back to make any amends or to try to acquire more good deeds. Once we die that is it! There would be nothing to assist us or save us except our good deeds and the mercy of Allah (SWT).
Perhaps thinking about death, the journey of our soul from the time our last breath leaves our body, the trials in the grave and contemplating the day when there would be no shade except the shade of Allah would help us realise that this life is short and we must use every second of every minute to gain the pleasure of Allah (SWT). When we ask from Allah (SWT), we should remember to seek refuge in Allah from the trails of the grave and the punishment of the hell fire. May Allah forgive us all our shortcomings and admit us into paradise. Amen.

“Every soul shall taste death. And only on the day of judgement shall you be paid your wages in full. Only he who is safe far from the fire and admitted to the garden will have attained the object (of life): for the life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception” (Q3vs 185)


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