Am I a Good Ambassador?
Salam alaykum waramatullah wabarakatuhu, "Do you think I look like a good muslim?" that was the question I was asked yesterday. This question took me by surprise. I had only known this sister a few months. In that time have I treated her badly? Have i interacted with her as though she was unworthy of my attention? This were the questions that was going through my mind seconds after the question was asked. I asked her what had brought this question on, she then told me the story of how someone at her work made a statement to the effect of you are not a typical muslim. I should point out her colleague is not a muslim. From our discussion I came to the conclusion that her colleague made this statement because she does not wear the hijab but more importantly this sister is nice and caring which her colleague seems to think are not characters befitting of a good muslim. First of all I think every muslim is on a journey of faith, we keep struggling to be the best muslim we can be. ...