I want that job now...

As salaam alaykum wara matullah wabarakatuhu,

How are you all? I pray this post meets you in the best of eeman and health. It has been a while since my last post the hustle and bustle of life is to blame but Allah has made it possible for me to write this alhamdulilah.

I would like to relate a little story about a friend of mine after seeking her permission of course hoping that it serves as a reminder for us all as we go about our everyday activities. May Allah continue to be with her, give her strength and increase her in eeman.
She applied for a job at the start of the year, went for the interview but was unsuccessful. Seven months later the company sends her an email saying that another position is available and would she be interested in applying for it. Alhamdulillah after the interview process she was accepted for the position. I remember the feelings of upset she had the first time of applying for the job and didn’t get it. Sometimes in life we experience difficulties and setbacks and it seems like things are not going the way we want them to, but Allah (SWT) is our creator and HE knows best about our circumstances.
The important thing is to keep praying to Allah both in hardship and when ease comes. Allah as indeed promised us in the holy Quran: So verily, with the hardship, there is relief, (Q94:5).
Also we should remember the saying of the rasul and let it be a comfort to the believer: It was reported in al-Saheehayn that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: ‘Nothing befalls the believer of disease, affliction, grief or harm, even a thorn which pricks him, but Allah will cause it to expiate for his sins.’” (Majmoo’ al-Fataawaa, 24/375).

So Insha’Allah let us try our best and put our trust in Allah and not let shaitan put doubts in our heart and when ease come remember that it was by the mercy of Allah that ease came to you and then praise Allah even more. May Allah continue to make our affairs easy for us and bless us with the fulfilment of our deeds in this world and the hereafter.


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