Inspiration and more
Salam alaykum waramatullah wabarakatuhu, I pray this email meets you in the best of eeman and health. I pray Allah forgives us all our short comings. I apologise for not posting any blog in the past four months. It would not do for me to use a busy lifestyle as an excuse. I thought to seek inspiration for my writing and so I concluded that there was no inspiration therefore there was nothing worth writing about. This thinking is due to foolishness on my part. Be it a big or small activity in my everyday life should inspire love, hope and fear of Allah. If I feel I there isn’t anything in my everyday life to inspire me does that mean I have missed the everyday reminders of Allah and the purpose of my life on earth? If not in my life then I should have seen the manifestation of the signs of Allah in the lives of others or in the daily news from as far as Africa or America? It does happen that we take the pleasures from this life for granted and we think it is our right and we forget that...